Friday, September 11, 2015

week #1

Hey everyone,

      I made it safe and sound and I know I am in the right place at the right time.  I got dropped off at the MTC at 1:45 and a missionary helped me get situated. The first thing I did was get my name tag.  Putting it on was something I had anticipated for a really long time. I feel like a different person with it knowing that I'm a representative of Christ. Then I went to go get all my Samoan books and learning materials, dropped everything off in my room and then went straight to my classroom. I walked in and all the teacher was speaking was Samoan. No English whatsoever. I was completely overwhelmed and was totally lost but at the same time it was super cool just to listen.  I've been here for just three days but I'm starting to understand and recognize what people are saying sometimes.  My companion is Elder Redd. He is from Logan, Utah. Later, we went to a big meeting with all of the new missionaries.  It is so comforting and amazing knowing that there are 2,000 plus people here with the same purpose and goals as me.  As a new missionary something they put on your name tag is an orange dot letting people know you're new.  I took it off within the first couple hours cause I couldn't handle everyone all over the place saying, "Welcome to the MTC!!!" Our Branch (a bunch of districts) is by far the coolest at the MTC. Our district has 10 people in it all learning Samoan. Elders and Sisters in our branch are all going to island missions in the South Pacific speaking either Samoan, Tongan, Marshallese, and Fijian. In the dorms where we sleep there are a ton of Polynesians. Quiet time starts at 10:15 and bed time is at 10:30. From about 10 to 11 all you hear is the Polynesians doing the Haka all over the place. It's cool but at the same time I'm trying to sleep. These past couple days have been so awesome. I love this gospel and the happiness it brings me. I'll write y'all in a week.

Elder Sterner

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