May 21 - Here is the translation we got from Justin which was about all we got!
papatisoga (baptism) i (in) le (the) sami (ocean)
Malo Soifua (hi). Faamalulu atu (sorry) ona (because) leva
ona (its been a while) le (haven't) toe faia (done) se (a) imeli (email) umi
Also, here is some random information that Jeff got to some questions he had...
We live at the chapel grounds in a little house in the back. If you look back at the picture I sent of the chapel you can see our house in
the back.
We have a few investigators, but it's good. We met a new couple this week. The
husband is a less-active member and his wife is not a member of the church. We
did a lesson with her Monday and invited her to be baptized next
month and she accepted.
Baby Justin and his family are doing well. His dad blesses the sacrament almost every
Sunday and we are working on his family history so we can take a trip to the temple.
My comp watched me do the P90x and kinda made fun
of me jokingly and then he did the yoga one with me and didn't even make all
the way through so he knows now it's legit. I go with the schedule it says to do
and I try to do the yoga one as often as I can when I have time at night. I
really only care about trying to get as flexible as I can and I've improved
I still haven't gotten my flight plans yet for August. I feel like when I get
them it's gonna really hit me that I come home soon. Still doesn't feel like
it'll really happen....
Love you
May 30th - I got transferred to be a zone leader in the zone right next to my old one. That happened on Monday but we are doing other transfers in our zone today. I don't really have time to email but just let people know I'm finishing strong and very busy! I forgot my camera cord at our house, but hopefully next week I will have more time to email and send pictures. Have to you!
That's all we got today...:(
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